(-áya- 10)

Sanskrits klasse 10, svarende til den indiske  chur-ādi efter eksemplet churáyati churáyanti

I sanskrit findes der en 10. imperfektivklasse, der er udviklet af iterativer og denominativer. Den er ikke relevant for vedisk.

Coulson (2006: 87) har følgende at sige om den:

The present stem of verbs belonging to class X is formed with the addition of the suffix aya:  so from the root spṛh ‘desire’, spṛhayati ‘he desires’. But, … the suffix aya in conjunction with a strengthening of the root is used to form causatives, while another suffix, ya, frequently preceded by a short a, is used in the formation of denominative verbs … And, in fact, all but a handful of the verbs classified by the grammarians under class X may be looked on either as causatives (but lacking obvious causative significance) or as denominatives (but receiving the old tonic accent upon the first á, instead of upon the as do regular denominatives):

chad, chadayati covers

varṇ, varṇayati depicts, describes (really from varṇah colour, appearance: the root varṇ is artificially contrived)

kath, kathayati relates, tells (really from katham how?— i.e. says how, relates circumstances)