Tekst og oversættelse


Oversættelsen i det nedenstående er fra Jamison & Brereton 2014


1.1.1a                        agním īḷe puróhitaṃ

1.1.1b                        yajñásya devám r̥tvíjam |

1.1.1c                        hótāraṁ ratnadhā́tamam ||

Agni do I invoke – the one placed to the fore, god and priest of the sacrifice,
the Hotar, most richly conferring treasure.

1.1.2a                        agníḥ pū́rvebhir ŕ̥ṣibhir

1.1.2b                        ī́ḍyo nū́tanair utá |

1.1.2c                        sá devā́m̆̇ éhá vakṣati ||

Agni, to be invoked by ancient sages and by the present ones –
he will carry the gods here to this place.

1.1.3a                        agnínā rayím aśnavat

1.1.3b                        póṣam evá divé-dive |

1.1.3c                        yaśásaṃ vīrávattamam ||

By Agni one will obtain wealth and prosperity day by day,
glorious and richest in heroes.

1.1.4a                       ágne yáṃ yajñám adhvaráṃ

1.1.4b                       viśvátaḥ paribhū́r ási |

1.1.4c                        sá íd devéṣu gachati ||

O Agni, the sacrifice and rite that you surround on every side –
it alone goes to the gods.

1.1.5a                        agnír hótā kavíkratuḥ

1.1.5b                        satyáś citráśravastamaḥ |

1.1.5c                        devó devébhir ā́ gamat ||

Agni, the Hotar with a poet’s purpose, the real one possessing the brightest fame,
will come as a god with the gods.

1.1.6a                      yád aṅgá dāśúṣe tvám

1.1.6b                      ágne bhadráṃ kariṣyási |

1.1.6c                      távét tát satyám aṅgiraḥ ||

When truly you will do good for the pious man, o Agni,
just that of yours is real, o Angiras

Wenn Du wirklich für den Opferspender
Glückverheißendes tun wirst, Agni,
so (wird) das bei dir wahr, o Aṅgiras

Daß du, Feuer! dem Spendenden Glückhaftes wirklich tun wirst,
das ist deine Wahrheit (die wirkliche natur oder auch:  dein Versprechen)” (Thieme)

1.1.7a                        úpa tvāgne divé-dive

1.1.7b                        dóṣā vastar dhiyā́ vayám |

1.1.7c                        námo bháranta émasi ||

We approach you, o Agni, illuminator in the evening, every day with our insight
bringing homage –

1.1.8a                       rā́jantam adhvarā́ṇāṃ

1.1.8b                       gopā́m r̥tásya dī́divim |

1.1.8c                       várdhamānaṁ své dáme ||

you, ruling over the rites, the shining herdsman of the truth,
growing strong in your own home

1.1.9a                        sá naḥ pitéva sūnáve-

1.1.9b                       -ágne sūpāyanó bhava |

1.1.9c                        sácasvā naḥ svastáye ||

Like a father for a son, be of easy approach for us, o Agni.
Accompany us for our well-being